Poster Printing
3xL is able to offer a range of posters from standard A3 and A2 all the way up to A0. We can also do pole posters. Orders can start from as little as 10 units for the specialised large posters 50 units for the more economical A3 posters. All materials used are of premium quality and all care is taken to ensure your job looks great and is completed promptly.
SRA3 and A3 posters are the most economical and come in very quick turnaround time. The SRA3 posters are slightly oversized at 450mm x 320mm. The SRA3 posters have a 5mm white border. For A3 posters we trim down from an SRA3 Poster. The artwork size for an A3 Poster is 303mm x 426mm. This is then trim down to 297mm x 420mm. This method ensures the image runs all the way to the edge of the poster.
A2 posters I double the size of the A3 Poster. The input size for artwork 600mm x 426mm. This is then trim down to 594mm x 420mm.
Pole posters can be done in just black, black and spot colour or full colour. The input size for artwork 306mm x 846mm. This is then trimmed down to 800mm x 300mm. if you are using a spot colour it is essential to nominate the Pantone colour.
Artwork on all the posters above should be at 300 dpi and in CMYK mode unless using a spot colour.
If you have any need of pole posters, A2 posters A3 please get in touch with us for a quote posters.
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